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Les Energies de la Mer

October 2007 : "Sea-based renewable energy" from Tuesday 16th to Friday 19th at Brest, France

image Science et Ethique

Online registration : click here.

Climate changes, the latest European commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and the decrease of raw materials reserves (gas, oil, coal) could give a new impulse to sea-based renewable energy. The sea provides abundant sources of renewable energy, that can contribute to sustainable development.

Considering energy production, known techniques enjoy a new boom worldwide : wave energy (ground swells, waves), streams (water turbines), wind (offshore wind turbines), seaweeds (biomass), salinity gradient (osmosis), temperature gradient (ocean thermal energy conversion, deep-water air-conditioning).

Which resources are available ?
What research is being conducted to develop these technologies ?
Who are the actors involved in sea-based renewable energy in Europe and elsewhere ?

. How does sea-based renewable energy fit in the energy panel ?
. Under what conditions can there be investors in sea-based renewable energy ?
. How do scientific headways enable us to foresee potential impacts on the coastline, other uses of the sea, law, and economics ?
. How do integrated coastal area management and spatial planning contribute to system installing ?
. How can the sea play a part in CO2 storage ?
. Aspects of Human and Social Sciences : how do inhabitants along the coastline and professionals dealing with the sea accept these future facilities ?
. Energy plan in the Brittany region, sea-based renewable energy experiments and public opinion survey in Europe.

The debates are broadcasted live and archived as videos, in order to be available 24/7 for free on the web.


From September 27th to October 12th, 2007
Pilot events taking place in 12 cities in Brittany and Ile-de-France…
Sea-based renewable energy for Juniors, the use of seaweeds or tuna : from the ocean to the plate.
Information on "Pilot Events 2007"

October 2007, Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th
Science et Ethique debates for Juniors
Information on "Debates for Juniors 2007"

October 2007, Thursday 18th and Friday 19th
The Science et Ethique debates or the dialogue duty
Programme :
Opening – Sea-based renewable energy : panorama and challenges
RT1 – Experience feedback in Europe, R&D and innovation
RT2 – Outlook and impact on the coastline
RT3 – Economy and funding for developing sea-based renewable energy
RT4 – Governance and land settlement : articulation between French « Energy » plans, integrated coastal area management, and coastal area plans in Brittany, in Europe, and in overseas departments and territories ; laws, guidelines.

Scientific Committee Chairman : Professor Lucien Laubier
Presidents and Honor Members : Pierre Appriou, Jean-Claude Bodéré, Lucie Degail, Jean Francheteau, Michel Glémarec
Managing Director : Brigitte Bornemann-Blanc 33 (0) 6 81 41 26 69
Aurélie Cazoulat, Charline Lasterre, Renaud Le Bot

Contact :
3B Conseils
1 rue Louis Pidoux
29200 Brest
Phone : +33 (0)2 98 41 46 05
Email : brest@3bconseils.com

Mis à jour le 31 août 2007 à 12:02