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English program

Program « entretiens Science et Ethique 2008 »

Maritime patrimony, ressources and economy of the coastline
Researches, new competences and new professions

Roundtable n°1 : The built maritime patrimony, witness to the economic evolution of the coastline and new activities
Thursday 10/16 9:30 am
Moderator : Sylvie Andreu, France Culture

Jean-Paul Alayse, Curator of Océanopolis and Brigitte Bornemann-Blanc, Managing Director entretiens Science et Ethique.

Opening Speeches
Fabrice Huret p/o François Cuillandre, Mayor of Brest, President of Brest métropole océane.
Michel Ricard, President of the French national Committee of the United Nations Decade on Education for Sustainable Development, President of entretiens Science et Ethique.

From inventory to action: new cartography (data bank, SIG, atlas...)
Françoise Péron, IUEM / UBO
Cartography : A new form of inventory (cultural heritage of the coastal towns) with the populations. The development of coastal areas. Back on the Journée Anel.

15 years after experiment return
Peter Goodship, Portsmouth Naval Base Property Trust

The junction of Earth / Sea data : Litto 3D
Catherine Le Roux, SHOM

Roundtable n°2 : Knowledge : do we hold all the cards ? (political decision-making and research)
Thursday 10/16 14:30pm
Animation : Rachel Mulot - Science et Avenir
What kind of policy to define research programs.
What supporting measures to enforce the Livre Bleu.

Integrated maritime and coastal management in the European maritime policy.
Christophe Le Visage, Secrétariat général à la mer.

From research to operationnal oceanography.Topex-Poséïdon, Mercator... Projects POCO - ARGP, SISMER...
Pierre-Yves Le Traon - Ifremer (video)

Two exemples: Research consortium Europôle - coherence and exchanges with competitiveness clusters/
Mentor, Network of engineering schools, and the targets of civilians and militaries research

Yann Doutreleau, scientific director, ENSIETA.

Politic et polarization of the research and the Europe of the regions (coherence : university, schools et competitiveness to reach the targets)
Teaching and research: new deal in the world competition !
François Clin, Ministry of Research

Wegemt Network, presentation
Georges Smyrnakis, general secretary (video)

Roundtable n°3 : The "Livre bleu", the European Commission’s maritime lines : new opportunities, new competences, new professions.
What does research bring to sea care.

Research contribution to sea management.
Friday 10/17 9:30 am
Presiding : Olivier Laroussinie p/o Jérôme Bignon, Deputy of la Somme, President of Marine protected areas, President of Conservatoire du Littoral, President of the Operational committee monitoring the Grenelle de l’environnement
Moderator : Danielle Nocher, Valeurs Vertes
Amiral Anne-François de Saint Salvy* Maritime Prefect of the Atlantic (U/R)
Introduction by Grégory Le Goué and Quention Texier, students IUEM-UBO.
Atlas Trans-Manche. interreg Arc Manche
Louis Shurmer-Smith Honorary Dean of the Portsmouth University of Environment

Frédérique Turbout, Research Engineer at the University of Caen GREYC – Caen’s Research group in Computer Science, Imaging, Automatics and Instrumentation

Britanny region : Policy regarding the Charter on coastal areas and the GIZC.

Integrated Maritime and Coastal management.
Implementation fo the integrated maritime policy and its environmental pillar – the European maritime strategy – in the local development process. Overview of the Europe – Asia relations.
Yves Henocque, IFREMER

Comité régional des pêches Regional Fishing Committee
André Le Berre, Président, et Gérald Hussenot, General secretary.

Prospective, the Atlantic and North Sea arc. Coordinated technical and scientific approaches. The link between information and energy technologies.

Friday 10/7 12:30

Conclusion of the day by Michel Ricard, president of the entretiens Science et Ethique

Mis à jour le 06 octobre 2008 à 18:59